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McKinsey's Choice Page 3
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Page 3
She could see the mail carrier with a package in his hand before opening the door. She yelled, “It better be important, to be knocking on my door again like you are crazy.” After opening the door, she noticed that standing to the left of the mail carrier were her parents.
Annoyed at the ploy of getting her to open her door, she looked at the mail carrier and said, “I am not mad at you; don’t be afraid. I can see you were set up again, first by my brother and now by my parents.”
“Thank you,” he said as he backed away from her door.
This time, her father walked right past her without saying a word, waiting just to hear the sound of his daughter’s voice. He had missed her; it was as if he had lost both of his children. “McKinsey, I didn’t want to come down to your store to have a fussing match with you so, I have tried to obey your wishes and stay away until you can feel comfortable with us," he began. "I have come to tell you about Wilson. He is in the Chapman Hospital. On his last patrol in the field, he was caught in a gunfire battle, wounded in his arm, and received a head injury. His head injury is the biggest problem, even through the operated and removed the bullet. He had not awakened. The doctor said he is in a coma. They are hopeful that after his body heals everything would be fine. They do say if people continue to talk to him that he hears what going on around him and eventually will awaken from the state he is in there in the hospital. We have spoken to his cousins and aunts. We all feel your voice is the one he has heard the most. You should visit him and talk to him. We hoped you would help that is why I am here.”
After hearing, what her father said McKinsey turned from where they were standing and walked straight into her kitchen. Her parents followed her. She lifted a glass up over the sink, this time pouring the liquid down.
When she finished emptying the glass, her parents looked at each other and smiled. They had known about her love for Wilson since she was a little girl, but the tables had never turned in their direction.
“Give me a few minutes to get ready," she pleaded. "I will go with you to the hospital.”
At the hospital, she could see all of her family was there, but she only raised her head up and down to acknowledge them as they spoke to her. She still was not fully ready for them. Wilson was now the most important person to her. She had loved him for years. He had been her friend and constant companion. She had stood by and become their cheerleader over the years, watching as Wilson and Alexander played sports, jokes, and left her to go off into the military together.
When she walked up the hallway to his room, she kept wondering what kind of condition Wilson would be in when she saw him. She had not asked her father any more questions; she just wanted to see for herself. Before entering the room, she braced herself.
The first thoughts that entered her mind were that Arthur and Alexander had died within hours after the accident. She had not been able to say goodbye to them. She raised her hands to her face and took a deep breath. She was not here to say goodbye; she was here to say hello. After moving forward and pushing the door open, she saw him lay there unconscious and hurt.
As she looked around the room, she noticed the stark, white color on everything from the walls to the bed. The only color in the room was Wilson's dark brown hair that lay over his forehead. She had always wanted to push that lock of hair away from his eyes.
McKinsey noticed a needle hooked up to Wilson's arm and a heart monitor hummed in the background. She turned around and walked over to where her father was standing. She hugged him tightly, crying the tears that she had held for so long.
Her father just stood there, with his arms around his daughter, relieved that she was now crying and hoping that she would begin to heal from her loss. He also reached out his hand to his wife, to pull her over to help their daughter move forward from her grief.
McKinsey returned the next day with bags full of goodies, to transform the room and to bring some color and life to it after she closed her store. She read to Wilson for hours while sitting by his side. She loved him so much, each evening she would put a light dab of his cologne on him, so that she could pretend they were out on a date. Sometimes, she thought she saw his hand move when she would just talk about some of the pranks they played on each other's families until just a few years ago before Wilson parents died.
McKinsey came to visit Wilson in the hospital for one of her regular visits. When she opened the door, she saw two women standing next to the bed that she did not recognize. She walked into the room and became a little upset, as jealousy ran through her veins. She wondered who would visit Wilson.
“May, can I help you?” she offered, in a, "Why are you here visiting my man?" voice. When the women turned around, she recognized one immediately from Alexander’s pictures. “Patricia Littleton, is that you?” she asked, rushing over to where she was standing to give her a hug. “McKinsey, I thought we would meet eventually,” Patricia said as she turned fully around.
“Patricia,” McKinsey repeated, as she tried to hug her without bumping into the woman's belly. She quickly jumped back. “Did I hurt you?” she asked. The shock of what she had thought came over her face.
“McKinsey this is Linda, Wilson’s girlfriend she just got stateside today. She came immediately over to see him.” Patricia said after introducing them. “I called you a few times, then gave up when I realized you didn’t want to get involved with your brother's ex-girlfriend,” Patricia acknowledged, rubbing her hands over her belly as she felt the baby kick.
“How far along are you?" McKinsey asked trying to ignore the other woman standing in the room. "Why have you just got here to see Wilson?”
“After I found out I was pregnant the military sent me stateside. I am almost finishing my commitment to the service but because of the difficulties with my pregnancy they sent me to be near my family which lives out in the county and to this hospital." Patricia explained. "Now that I am at this hospital, I am able to visit.” She grasped Wilson’s hand.
“Do you want me to get you a chair?” McKinsey queried.
“Patricia and I are leaving to have dinner, would you like to come,” Linda interjected.
Patricia declined. "The Officer told me that you are usually here in the evening around this time, so I took a chance that you would speak to me without getting angry. Your parents told me I should try. I got the call from Linda this morning and I felt everything was going in the right direction so we decided to wait for you.”
“My parents know that you are pregnant?" McKinsey retorted. "They didn’t tell me.” She thought of Alexander having a child that he would never see.
“Yes, I am due in a few months, but this pregnancy is a little hard on my body," Patricia conceded. "The Officer told me to get plenty of rest during the day and to try to stay off my feet at night. So that is why I am always gone by the time you get here. I was hoping that we could become friends, so I could have help in the coming years with babysitting and all. This baby will be a lot for me to handle as an unwed mother, don’t you think?” She laughed
For the next two weeks, McKinsey brought home-movies, so that Patricia could see the things they did as a family. During these visits, she could see Linda sitting their holding his hand. She also told stories about Alexander and Wilson antics in the military. While they sat together, they hoped Wilson would wake up. She was becoming friends with Patricia, but she was not happy that Linda was their constantly at his side. She wanted Wilson all to her self once again.
This night Linda had an appointment and it was just Patricia and McKinsey. “McKinsey, can you get the nurse for me?" Patricia blurted one day. "I think the baby is saying it is time.” She held her stomach and felt liquid slide down her leg. She did not want to stand up; the contractions were powerful. To relieve the pain of the contraction, she started her breathing exercises. She hoped that they would ease the pain.
Thinking about the calendar, she got scared that it was two weeks too early for the baby to come. She sh
outed, “It is time for the baby to come!” She just began repeating it over-and-over to relax her self.
“Patricia, are you okay?” McKinsey asked, as she rounded Wilson’s bed to where Patricia was sitting. When she reached her, she looked down and saw the fluids on the floor. She still stepped forward and slipped in it. As she was getting up from the floor, she said. “I am okay.” as she got up off the floor and darted out of the door. “We need a nurse my friend is pregnant!" she shouted at the door. "I think the baby wants to come now!”
McKinsey was excited that she might have a nephew or niece who would resemble her brother Alexander in a few hours. She watched as the nurse made calls down to the maternity ward and got a wheelchair to help Patricia. Back in the room, she could hear Patricia screaming.
“I think this baby has made up its mind and is ready to come," Patricia warned. "McKinsey, look in my purse and call everyone. Get my bag out of my car with the things for the baby.” The nursed helped her from the chair to the wheelchair and pushed her quickly down the hall.
McKinsey returned to Wilson’s room, got Patricia’s phone along with purse and started calling every to come to the hospital. When Patricia's parents arrived, McKinsey got an opportunity to meet them for the first time. From then on, Patricia’s phone kept ringing with her excited family members asking how things were going.
An Officer entered the waiting room and asked, “Is there a Mr. and Mrs. Littleton here?”
Mrs. Littleton stood up and looked at her husband for support. “Has something happed to our daughter?" she asked the Officer. "Is the baby okay?”
Mr. Littleton stood up just as his wife, sat back down in the chair.
“Mr. and Mrs. Littleton, can you please come out into the hall so that I can talk to you both?” he asked, waving his hand for them to follow.
McKinsey could see that whatever the Officer had said had made Mrs. Littleton cry tears of happiness. Patricia's mother turned to her husband for support, and then followed the Officer down the hall. When they returned to the waiting room, each of them carrying a baby, everyone looked at each other. They had not known that Patricia was carrying twins. There was joy radiating from everyone's face that night, especially when they found out that Patricia had named them Alexander and Della. Mrs. Littleton reported that Patricia was fine. "We will have to give her a hand for a while," she warned. "One baby is plenty, but two?"
A few days later, McKinsey brought her laptop and a family movie to play. She sat there listening quietly in Wilson's room with Linda, as she watched the part where Wilson and Alexander had set up and pulled a prank on her. Suddenly, she heard something coming from the direction of Wilson’s bed.
“We loved playing pranks on you, McKinsey," Wilson whispered. "You were an easy target and you always laughed, even though you wanted to beat us silly.” Both woman had turned and heard Wilson’s voice. McKinsey excited by what she had just heard, she ran out to the hallway to tell the attending nurse that he had spoken. After the Officer checked Wilson out, she said that his pulse and heartbeat did not show any changes. She believed that the memories had been too vivid; both women only wanted him to respond. The Officer told them to go home and get some rest.
Wilson woke up the next morning in the hospital, yelling, “Alexander, McKinsey will be mad as hell at us for this prank!” After he did not get a reply from Alexander, he opened his eyes. He sat partially up, looking around the unfamiliar room and seeing himself attached to a hospital bed with machines. He looked up again after he heard the sounds of the door swing open, as the nurse rushed in.
“What day is it and why am I still in the hospital for a superficial wound?” he challenged, pointing to the cast on his arm.
“Just lay down, I will go get the Officer," the nurse comforted. "He will be in to talk to you.” After the nurse exited the room, Wilson heard sounds that seemed unfamiliar. He sat up once again. He got out of bed, as he felt the equipment hold him back. He decided to remove the equipment attached to his finger. After he looked at his other hand, that held the needle attached to tubing on wheels, he decided to take it with him to the window.
After he drew the shade up, he looked at the surrounding buildings and streets. They felt familiar. After he read the name of the hospital mounted on a stand, he realized that he was no longer in Afghanistan, but in his hometown in the United States.
He immediately turned to look around the room. He saw familiar items, like pictures sitting on the table next to his bed and hanging on the wall in the room. As he moved toward the door, a man dressed in an Officer's coat and the same nurse from earlier entered the room.
“Hello Sergeant, glad you came back to visit us," the Officer remarked. "Can you please sit back on the bed and let me take a few tests?”
“No, why am I not with my unit Sir?” Wilson refused.
“Sergeant, you have been unconscious for a few weeks," the officer reported. "The military Officers in Afghanistan and your family decided that the best treatment was to bring you back to the states, so that your family could be near you.” He watched how Wilson handled the news.
“How long have I…, what month and year is it?" Wilson stuttered. "Are their any major problems with me? When can I leave Sir?” He backed to the edge of the bed for support, as the Officer answered his questions.
“Where are my clothes Sir?" Wilson growled. "Who put my things in this room without my permission?" “Linda” name came to mind first. He was afraid that if he stopped talking, he might remember what happened to land him in the hospital.
“Can this cast come off?" he asked, as he used his other hand to try break the cast in half.
“Sergeant, get a hold of your self the cast needs to stay in place for at least another week. Can I call someone to assist you?" the Officer answered.
"Yes Sir," Wilson replied. "I need to call my best friend, Alexander and Linda, because I am leaving this hospital today.” He searched the room for his clothes, as he opened the cabinets and dragged the pole along with him.
He turned to the Officer and confronted him. “Sir, are you going to take this needle out of my hand or do you want me to do it?” he snarled, preparing to do it himself as the Officer moved forward.
“Sergeant, I will let the nurse do it," the Officer snapped back. "Just calm down soldier; I will get as many answers as possible for you, okay?” He knew that Wilson's pass. He needed to check Wilson out some more.
“Sergeant, what year is it?” the officer asked.
“Twenty-ten Sir," Wilson replied. "Alexander and I were going to his sister's wedding. Did the plane have an accident or something?”
“No Sergeant,” the Officer replied as he watched the nurse take the needle out of Wilson’s hand.
“Give me a minute Sir," Wilson said, as he walked around his bed to grab the phone. He picked it up to call someone.
“Sergeant, do not do that," the Officer warned. "We need to take some tests and you might need further care.”
“Do what you have to, but I will be leaving by 3:00pm this afternoon Sir," Wilson challenged.
McKinsey had arrived at the hospital the same time her parents and friends had. “Hello” she said kissing each one of them while give them a hug.
“Honey his cousins, Linda and us have talked we think you should break the new to him about Alexander, her father said.
McKinsey stood outside of Wilson’s door for just a minute before she entered Wilson’s hospital room later that day, after she received a call from the hospital saying that he had awakened. Her heart was beating fast she had Wilson back. She could see him as she opened the door, hair cut trimmed, freshly shaven. He now was wearing a pair of shorts that showed that he needed some sun on them. “Wilson,” she said as she laughed and ran over to where he was sitting on the side of the bed, watching television.
Wilson had immediately stood up and she ran into his arms giving him a kiss and hug. As he loo
ked up he saw Linda standing near the door and he knew she knew he loved McKinsey.
“You better not try to give me a scare like that again.” She said as she continued to hold onto his arm.,” she said.
“McKinsey, thanks for coming to see me,” he gushed as they continued to stand their together.
“McKinsey, I know you would not lie to me," Wilson assured. "Where is Alexander? I know he would have been here in no time, if he knew I was awake.
In that split second, he watched McKinsey’s face. She did not say anything; “is he outside in the hallway” he stood up and dashed over to the door of his room.
Once over at the door, he opened the door, hoping Alexander stood outside of it. He looked out in the hallway and did not see Alexander, but the rest of there family, Linda and friends stood outside of his door. He felt saddened that he had not seen his friend.
He waved for them to come into his room and smiled at them, glad to see all of them at once. As they entered his room, he hugged and kissed them. “Okay I didn’t see any treats in anyone’s hands, so what is the real joke that is being played on me today?” Wilson asked.
“Wilson, come over here and have a seat on the bed," McKinsey urged. "I had wanted to talk to you before the family came in, but now I know it is better if everyone is in the room together.” She patted the bed beside her for him to return to her side.
“No, I am tired," Wilson refused.
"Where is Alexander?” He was disappointed that his friend had not come to visit him. He turned to look at each of the faces of his relatives and suddenly knew that something was not right.
“Linda you can tell me the truth, where is Alexander.” He said reaching for her hand.
McKinsey stood up, walked over to where Wilson was standing and reached for his hand. She felt sad again, because she had to relive her tragic memories and knew that Wilson, too, would relive this tragic memory for years to come.